Almost Show Time!

 Morning in Annapolis during Sailboat Show set-up. Photo by Al Schreitmueller

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Annapolis City Dock...

Another U.S. Sailboat Show rolls into town! As you can see from these nice pictures by Al Schreitmueller (who apparently gets up earlier than the rest of us) and some more in the Capital, show prep is well underway.

The doors open on Thursday at 10 a.m. and the show runs through Columbus Day. Send your would-be sailor friends to our free Start Sailing Now Q&A on Sunday.

What used to be the breakdown party at Pussers will be the farewell to the shows party... and SpinSheet staffers will be there with Painkillers in hand.

Keep your foulies on hand, as we may see a few raindrops before the end of it, but we're sailors, so whatever... See you there!

 Photo by Al Schreitmueller