News for and about racing sailors on the Chesapeake Bay, a weekly roundup of a sailboat race results, the SpinSheet Racing Team and how you can join, expert tips from Quantum, and SpinSheet’s downloadable sailing regatta photos for purchase.

David Flynn of Quantum Sail Design discusses tack-to-tack speed differences and how you can overcome them and adjust accordingly.
Want to enhance your racing performance on the water? Here are nine tips from mental performance coach and racer Dr. Tim Herzog.
Here is the preliminary racing calendar for the 2019 sailing season on the Chesapeake Bay... a work in progress!
2019 A2N welcomes Storm Trysail Club and ORC to the race and holds on to aspects that worked well, such as starting sequences and Newport venue.
The Charleston YC will host the inaugural Race Management Best Practices Forum in Charleston on January 12 at the club.
Thanks to HYC’s Fall Fling, Kennedy Cup, and some frostbiting and out-of-town regattas, we still have something to report. Here’s your racing roundup for November 3-4.
J-Championships in Annapolis, frostbite racing in Hampton, and more... Here’s your racing roundup for the weekend of October 27-28.
Snipe World Champion Kim Couranz learned a lot about successful sailboat racing by listening to the words of regatta winners. Now it's her turn to share.
2018 Annapolis Fall and ORC Chesapeake Championship, Harbor Cup, J/70s, and more and more and more: Here’s your racing roundup for the weekend of October 19-21.
