Get Outside with Club Crabtowne

The Club Crabtowne May meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 24, at The Fleet Reserve Club, 100 Compromise St., Annapolis, 6-8 p.m. (Our April meeting will be held on Tuesday, the 26th.) Join our club, sign up for activities ranging from biking and hiking, to boating and ski trips to cultural activities throughout the year. For detailed information, see Active-duty military personnel receive a  one year free membership.

Club Crabtowne member Capt. Jim on Sunny Days says yes sun, no wind.

Upcoming events include:

Apr 16:  Take a Hike, Patapsco State Park (Meet at 8 a.m. at Severna Park park & ride: Rt. I-97, Exit 10, to Benfield Blvd., left onto Veterans’ Hwy, and left going behind Exxon station.)

May 14: Take a Hike, Billy Goat Trail, Great Falls, MD; also, Orioles Game

May 21: Zip-Lining, giant swing, and obstacle sports at Savage, MD

We are currently lining up moonlight cruises beginning in May.

For community service, Crabtowne members are a generous lot of folks who are currently involved in local projects, such as the serving at the Light House Shelter and a working on a garden plot along the B&A trail.