A Busy Sailing Season at CBC

The Chesapeake Bristol Club (CBC) held a Planning Meeting at Providence Clubhouse and Spring Luncheon at Café Mezzanotte during April 2016.

The preliminary for the upcoming 2016 sailing season is shown below:

May 7: The Shakedown Cruise, Whitehall Bay Area
May 27-30: Memorial Weekend Wye River
June 13/17: Mini Cruise-"the flag day cruise" and shore party, Whitehall Creek
July 4: Fireworks and shore party, Almhouse Creek
July 24-30: Mini Cruise
July 30: End of cruise shore party, Magiothy River
August 13: The CBC Crab Feast, Lake Ogleton
Sept. 1: Cruise to Cambridge and joint club Crabfeast Sept 4th. Southward Cruise to follow.
Sept 24-30: Fall Cruise
October 15: Oktoberfest Shore Party
October 28-29: Navy Chapel Halloween Concert
November 6: Closing Luncheon, Meeting and Installation of Officers

Commodore Will Hottel and CBC Club Secretary, Logan Hottel, took a recent break in skiing to read the latest issue of SpinSheet.

Interested prospective members and guests are welcome to join for any or all of the events, but please notify the Commodore (Will Hottle, [email protected]) if you would like to participate. As with all our events, you don’t have to own a Bristol nor be a member to attend, non-members are welcome. Go to the club website for more information about our club and upcoming activities: cbclub.info