Fox Sports Attempts to Cover Olympic Sailing

Fox Sports has veteran sports blogger Chris Chase covering sailing events in Rio. Chris Chase has no idea what is happening, as evidenced by the blog post he wrote for the website.

“I count at least five different directions those boats are traveling toward. This has all the order of Walmart on Black Friday or the check-in at the Rio airport.”

“It looks like the radar for a hurricane.”

“What are all the black lines? Why does it look like one of those optical illusions that asks you how many triangles are in the picture?”

“We have no idea what 2nd Mark is. It sounds like a Bible chapter.”

And my personal favorite, "The U.S. was in 13th place? Shouldn't we be good at sailing? It's called the America's Cup for dinghy's sake! The Kennedy family alone produce enough sailors to win a bronze!" I die. Someone has never gone sailing with the Kennedys. So, funny, yes. But we also love the fact that sailors are coming out in force in the comment section.