Beautiful day for a sail!

Trip dates: 
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

Got to the marina about 10:30.  Had to clean the speed paddlewheel and check the water in the batteries before I could head out.  Also had to take my opsprey deterrence thing off my solar panels. Got that all done quickly - along with setting up a different spring line, and I was off. Saw some watermen on Langford Creek - didn't get too close as I raised the main.  Wind was out of the NE, so a little behind me as I went down Langford creek towards the Chester.  Since it was light wind, I decided to go ahead and set a preventer for the main and then put the genoa out so I could run wing on wing - gotta practice!.

Got that all set and drifted a bit faster down towards the Chester. Once out past the daymarks, I set course to run a broad reach and went forward to take down whisker pole and take off the main preventer.  Ran a broad reach towards reed creek - where I jibed and headed towards Easetern Neck Wildlife Preserve on a beam reach.  Saw a sailboat come out of Reed creek, put up their sails and head down the Chester towards Kent Island. Tacked back across the Chester on a beam reach again, ending up closer to piney point.

Started to head back at this point - pretty much running close reaches and closes hauls. Dropped the centerboard - which helped and had a fun time tacking up the Chester and Langford creeks. 

Since I am still fighting with the osprey - or better, trying to undermine their attempts to set up "home" on my solar array, I backed the boat into the slip - something we normally don't do! 

Fun day all and all - glad I got out!