Christmas sail

Trip dates: 
Monday, December 25, 2023
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

I definitely and quite effortlessly made it more than 100 days on the water this year, but I lost motivation to log early-summer and don't think I'll finish this out.  The internal satisfaction of knowing I did it might have to be enough for this year :D.  Emma and I went for a lovely little Christmas sail this year, and in true Emma-fashion, we had the deepest conversation about goals and life.  I realized that I accomplished all of my sailing goals this year - I'm so pleased with all the time I had on the water, incredibly proud of getting approved to skipper the cruisers at the DSC, and excited to step into the next season with the ability to make the sailing adventures I've craved since my first taste in 2021 a reality.  This feels extra special to me because most of the time I was working towards this goal I was also coping with my incredibly chalenging ankle recovery - and in the corniest of ways I feel like all the time on the water helped to heal me, both physically and emotionally.  Our Christmas sail was gentle, almost lazy, and in a moment of reflection it's wild to think about how much of sailing has become second-nature over the past couple of years.  Catch me cruising in the Chesapeake next year!