Endless Sharp's Island Race

Trip dates: 
Saturday, July 23, 2022 to Sunday, July 24, 2022
Trip length: 
2 days
Type of watercraft: 
  • Halyard Swinging
  • Ahead at the start
  • Getting back into it after swim call

Probably the most challenging race I've ever done. Due to the light forecasted winds and hot weather only one other boat turned up. The first couple hours of the race were a light beat north, and around noon our only competition dropped out. At the skipper's request, we continued the race and faced lightening conditions into the afternoon. The wind dropped off completely, and we set an anchor to keep from losing our progress to the adverse current. We had a nice swim call, and dove off the boat for about an hour until the wind filled back in. We ghosted along until late evening, and finally reached the lighthouse around 7pm. We threaded the needle between the light and an anchored fishing boat, and finally found some decent breeze for about an hour on the way back. We got parked again for an hour around Prince Frederick, followed by a small squall after dark with gusts up to 26kts. Parked a third time just north of Cove Point, and we finally found enough breeze to get moving and finish the race at 1:30am. A loooooonnnnnnggg day on the water, this one made up for a few of my short Century Club days earlier this month.