Have a Gray Day

Trip dates: 
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • gray outside
  • hidden entrance
  • shoreside blind
  • theres an iggle in there...trust me

As luck would have it, temps remained in the mid-50s and I hate to do 'poxing in less than 60, so I launched a kayak at 1130 hrs.   It was very gray.  But the breeze was down and conditions were mild.  I decided to head out of the creek.

Not a student of goose behavior, but this was curious:  I was close inshore, near the old cement sea wall on the east side of the creek, near the mouth.  A goose was heading in the same direction, paddling south, and I caught up to it within maybe 30 feet, which is pretty close.  I don't speak Canadian Goose, but I was making a soft "HAAH-onk" every few seconds, which seemed to be reassuring the goose that I was "OK."

Meanwhile, about 100 yards offshore, another goose, I'm assuming the first one's mate, was making a racket which increased as the distance between me and goose number one decreased. 

Next thing I knew, the offshore goose took off and flew directly at me REALLY PISSED OFF and veered into a sliding skid about 25 feet from me.  I passed it inshore while goose number one did a 180. The offshore goose would not let up with the noise. In my interpretation, it was telling its mate, "WTF?  You can't let a human get that close to you, are you crazy?"

As I rounded Chest Neck Point, he still hadn't let up....I hate to get involved, but hope its mate leaves him for some other gander more chill.

Interesting stuff along the north shore of the Magothy, including another hide-away spot which I won't give away.

Nice day on the water, with a Bald Iggle sighting on-shore and in flight...it looked like a 747 headed for BWI, at least compared to the hundreds of Buffleheads remaining on the river.

Wx:  55 F, breeze N-NNE  4 - 14

Critters:  geese, buffleheads, bald eagle and lots of Osprey

Time: 2 hrs 25 minutes