June 2, 2022 - Docking practice at SCOW social sail

Trip dates: 
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

Brinkmanship paid off today. Social sail got cancelled due to rain and radar forecast, but there was a small window of opportunity that I took advantage of to at least get a boat off the dock.  

I had the entire river to myself. I feel that this 100-day challenge will bring many, unforeseen and unintended benefits beyond simply bragging rights, i.e. more adventures, more friendships, more lives impacted by investing in others.  Not a bad way to spend time while having a heck of a good time!

Met up at TJ Stones for dinner with other club members, and indulged in a warm chocolate lava cake.  The only downside to all this sailing is a new compulsion I've developed for treating myself to ice cream every time I go out.  So bad yet so good!