Marina Life, Once Again

Trip dates: 
Friday, December 10, 2021 to Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Trip length: 
5 days
Type of watercraft: 

Oh the joys of living on a boat at a cool marina like Ortega Landing!  Not to mention that we are in very mild Jacksonville, as opposed to chilly Annapolis.  We do miss our Annapolis friends very much, but we can get used to being snowbirds- warm(er) winters, cooler summers, fewer bugs, etc.  Although it does get a bit cool here, the heated pool and hot tub make it all worthwhile!

We have been doing some repairs and have some interior renovations planned for the next month or two (revamped electrical panel, new flooring, paint, etc), as well as the addition of external bow thrusters. We have also managed to get out on the water several times in the past week with new friends and are enjoying the area a lot.