Oct 19 - weird times

Trip dates: 
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • dry below, another miracle
  • Back in Muskrat ville, haven't been here for a few months
  • re-enactment of whiffle ball find

Paddled a bit before our club AGM - the one that marks my esacpe from being Rear Commodore.  It's been a ride.

In the weird department, a couple of days ago I was looking through old photos and saw one, I guess my mother took, of me and my dad.  I was holding a whiffle ball bat and I guess they glued or taped a whiffle ball to the bat that made it look like I was making good contact. I got to thinking about whiffle ball and how much fun we had.  I hadn't thought about whiffle ball for a couple of decades, I reckon.

So, yesterday,  I'm out in the kayak just leisurely paddling and I see something white just below the surface and I thought, hmmmm....a bit early for Lion's Mane jellies, and a bit late for the standard Chesapeake Bay sea nettles.  So I got closer and it turned out to be a whiffle ball.