Sail from Black Point back to Staniel Cay

Trip dates: 
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 to Saturday, February 22, 2020
Trip length: 
2 days
Type of watercraft: 

On our return voyage back north, we decided to go back to Staniel Cay, because we liked it and we now had a functional dinghy.  I wanted another try at the Thunderball Grotto.  We had a short (2 hour) but fun sail in 15-18 knots of wind from the ESE.  Once anchored at Staniel Cay, we dinghied into shore for supplies, etc.  

We stayed here 5 days, so I am counting the sail to Staniel and 4 days of dinghy excursions as 2 day.  I was out in the dinghy everyday, even in the rough winds and currents.