Sunday Sail on Terminal Leave

Trip dates: 
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 

Peter's mom came for a visit and to have her first sail on Terminal Leave, Peter's new to him Class Mini 6.50. 

After admiring all of the control lines on board (upwards of 30 different lines!), we push off the dock and head out to the Bay where we were greeted with the incoming Doublehanded Distance Race competitors as they had just crossed the finish line after 24 hours of racing in extremely light and testing breeze. 

We too found the breeze to be light but it filled in a bit for us as we reached across the bay. The current was ripping out of the Bay and we decided to hug the shore line until we put the Code Zero up to give us the extra umph that we needed to make some progress upwind against the current.

A lovely 4.5 hour sail provided for another wonderful day on the water and sailing Terminal Leave!