Trip 29 Haul out for bottom inspection and paint

Trip dates: 
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Trip length: 
1 day
Type of watercraft: 
  • Hauled out at Cutter's Marina waiting for my paint job.

Since we were planning our big trip down the ICW, I decided I needed to inspect the bottom and have it painted and have the zincs replaced. I called many marinas around the area and the only one to respond positively was Cutters Marina on Middle River. I quickly finished the tasks I was currently involved with and made a mad dash out of the slip over to Cutters. It was a quick trip as the weather was projected to get worse with increased wind and rain, so I ran the engine at a high RPM most of the way.  Wind picked up just as I was backing into the haul out slip so I had to abort and try again. Finally, everything went OK and I successfully was hauled out. Catfish drove me back to Parkside so I could retrieve my vehicle and we had dinner at Alice’s. The next day I did some maintenance on the bottom of the hull and inspected areas of concern. I left for home on Friday as they were going to sand and paint. I returned on Sunday afternoon to be there early Monday morning for the splash. The paint job looked great on the waterline as it was clear they were very careful.

Days: 1     Days to date: 72

Miles: 3.6 Miles to date: 926.1