Advice for Picky Husband Onboard

We asked sailors to send us their on-the-water "relationship" questions for our new online column, and the questions started rolling in. Here's the second installment:

photo_9Dear Stefina:
Your blog or column is a great idea. Hopefully, it will give relevant advice in a tongue & cheek fashion. I do have one question: my wife continues to invite people on our sailboat that I do not like. My buddies suggest I throw them overboard, but I think this is too dramatic... How would you handle this?

Dear Picky Husband:
It seems you’ve “missed the boat." My guess is that you’re one of those men who haven’t figured out how romantic sailing can be. Hmm… just  you and the missus… sailing to some quiet cove and anchoring for the night… some wine and cheese that YOU have packed to surprise HER, some romantic music, a gentle sway of the boat, and I bet she’ll never invite friends again.

If you must throw them overboard, make sure all crew can swim and are wearing life-jackets!

If romance doesn’t float your boat, we can try another tack. Perhaps you and your wife can each have a day of “carte blanche” crew selection  once or twice each sailing season. I am confident that you are the kind of guy who can endure one afternoon with your wife’s her friends… Your buddies suggest throwing her friends overboard? I wonder what wifey thinks when they're  on board.  You would be wise to compromise and keep your relationship from “heading to the rocks.”

relationshipWe know how romantic relationships–and even friendships–can get a little weird on the water...

Stefina is a licensed social worker who would like to answer your questions, in the same style as a sort of Sailing Dear Abby or in the same vein as the New York Times Social Q’s.

Send us a few onboard challenges you are facing with your first mate (or bestie), and we’ll let our columnist dish out some advice… Send questions to [email protected]