Corny April Fools Day Pranks for Sailors

SPOILER ALERT: It's April Fools Day. Since we can't fool our readers every year, we thought we'd gather some corny, summer-camp-style pranks for sailors to help them fool their crew. Enjoy!

If one of the crew goes below to sleep…

  • Try the old rubber snake in the sleeping bag trick.
  • Hide a two-way radio near your skipper's pillow, and as he drifts off to sleep, occasionally meow into the other one.
  • If passed out, use magic marker to draw a handlebar mustache on their face.

Head humor…

  • Ziptie the toilet seat in the “up” position to tick off female crew.
  • Vaseline the toilet seat, or put Saran wrap on the bowl and set the seat down over it.
  • Put red Kool Aid powder in the showerhead for a sort of boaty Psycho scene (this only works for cruisers, since a racer would never waste water or Kool Aid).
  • Draw a spider on the TP roll and turn it so that it looks like it’s about to crawl out.

Galley pranks…

  • Put toothpaste in Oreos. This requires a lot of advanced work. Best to involve your children and not overthink the whole “bad example” parenting thing.
  • Leave the waxy wrapper on the cheese when you make sandwiches. Some of you do this anyway. You know who you are.
  • Replace sugar with salt. A land only prank, because if you have a sugar bowl on your boat, it’s condensed into a rock and not appetizing anyway.

Hide it…

  • Tape harmonicas to the sides of the cabin top, so that when the boat moves, she makes beautiful music… (please someone try this and let us know how it goes!)

Hoist it…

  • When your Navy grad skipper goes on vacation, hoist an Army flag up his or her mast.
  • Bras, boxers, boat shoes, favorite hats—all easily hoistable.

Humor at the pointy end…

  • Bury some ring dings into your competitor’s spinnaker so that when it goes up, they rain upon the deck.
  • Follow a real-life Chesapeake example, and stash a banana peel in a competitor’s spinnaker.

Later at the pub…

  • Set their text tone to a camera sound, and text them while they're in the bar restroom.