Bring a Friend Into Sailing... Start Sailing Now

ssnYou can't toss a Frisbee in this neighborhood without hitting a sailor, but where are you sitting right now on this weekday? Do you see someone in your office who might be interested in getting into sailing? Does anyone at work or in the neighborhood ever say, "You're so lucky you go sailing! I'd like to try that"? If you know anyone who would like to get started, send them this:

On Sunday, October 13, from 10-11 a.m., during the U.S. Sailboat Show, we will hold a FREE Start Sailing Now Q&A with regional sailing experts to answer the following questions (among others):

How do I try it for free?
What do I wear? Should I join a club? Take lessons? Buy my own lifejacket?
Should I start in a big boat or a small one?
Can I rent a boat without experience?

Bring a friend to this helpful Q&A and the next thing you know, you'll have no problem finding crew!

Come to the Arnold Room on the first floor of the Marriott Waterfront at 10 a.m. and join the discussion.