North Point Sailing Association Celebrates a Year of Growth

NPSA_2 The invitation to North Point Sailing Association’s annual Socks-On Party read “DRESS: Black Tie or Sailor Casual”. These three members chose formality.

What started out 32 years ago with casual racing and cruising and just a handful of sailors has grown to a laid-back club having 108 entries on its mailing list with names from Frederick to Harrisburg to Annapolis and all points in between. Despite the slow economy, NPSA added 22 crew and 9 boats (5 racers and 4 cruisers) to its roster. They also doubled their sponsorship base, tripled attendance/participation in their social functions, and doubled the boats that actively raced or cruised.

NPSA is looking forward to continued growth, fun parties, great racing on the Patapsco, and cruising the northern Bay for years to come.

The twelve winners of awards for racing excellence at North Point Sailing Association’s annual  Socks-On Party The twelve winners of awards for racing excellence at North Point Sailing Association’s annual
Socks-On Party