Rafting Up for the Blue Angels

The Annapolis Sail & Power Squadron hosted its second annual Blue Angels Practice Day Raft Up on Tuesday, May 24th. Nine boats from both the Annapolis and Potomac Squadrons formed our raft up. Lux, a 40’ catamaran, served as anchor boat while proudly flying a supersize ASPS burgee. This year we were delighted to host some League Cadets and their parents from the Reina Mercedes Navy League Cadet Corps. The Navy League program introduces young people, ages 10-13, to the maritime and military life. What a pleasure to have a day on the water with these exemplar young boaters!

Caroline & Darius show the power of paddling in sync.

And what could be better than rafting up to watch the Blue Angels practice? According to our League Cadets a kayak, dingy and rowboat gave the Blue Angels great competition! As did taking turns skippering their host sailboats, Mamzelle captained by Tony Martin, LUX captained by Terry Slattery, Persistence captained by Gary Antonides  and Asclepius captained by Howard Cupples, to and from the raft up.

Ben takes a turn at the wheel while Terry Slattery keeps a sharp lookout.

We all enjoyed the Blue Angels, lots of great food, kayaking and rowing. Special thanks goes to BoatUS for the loan of life jackets for the cadets to wear.

Ben, Rafael Jr., and Joey prepare to row.