A Club for the Community

The Yacht Club of Cape St. Claire (YCCSC) is a “club for the community,” according to former club commodore, Jim Klemstine, whom I interviewed about the past, present, and future of the club.

Established in 1974, the club has always been close to Cape St. Claire’s Youth Sailing program, which it still sponsors today. YCCSC seeks to provide community connection between youth sailors and adults to help foster the kids’ interest in sailing. Parents of youth sailors are also encouraged to join, in order to keep a “family generated atmosphere,” Klemstine says.

Being a club focused on community and learning, members are not required to own boats. All a potential member must bring is an interest in boating activities. Club members who do own boats possess a blend of both sailboats and powerboats.

Not limited to those out on the water, YCCSC hosts five or six shore-based events a year. There is typically an open meeting in February that new or potential members are encouraged to attend. YCCSC also hosts events such as the sock-burning party in the spring—complete with s’mores—or the annual October chili cook-off.

Photo by Warren Klug

The most recent gathering was the Kick-Off Picnic celebrating the beginning of the Friday Night Races, which began May 27 and will go into September. The website makes sure to mention that the races are “low key” and meant for the members to have fun and practice sailing. YCCSC also plans the occasional raft-up during the summer months. Almost all events are family-friendly.

Membership is not limited to members of Cape St. Claire, as one might think. The club accepts members from surrounding areas who have a Cape resident as their sponsor, and has had members that were also members of yacht clubs based in other communities.

According to Klemstine, YCCSC is “more of a word of mouth club”. Many members—himself included—heard about the club through their friends, neighbors, or fellow boating enthusiasts. Membership typically ranges between 60 and 80 people. There is a wide variety of interests and experiences among the members, including those who have lived in other parts of the country, cruised in the Caribbean, and sailed across the Atlantic.

The club doesn’t have its own private meeting place, and instead meets at the Cape St. Claire Clubhouse, a building used for a multitude of community activities. YCCSC shares its time at the clubhouse with the Youth Sailing meetings. With dues of just $45 a year, the club is an affordable, family-friendly option for anyone interested in getting involved in boating. yccsc.org

~by Emily Parks