Publicity Stunt or New Way To Deliver Food?

vt_blogHaving recently taken a train along the beautiful Hudson River and watched the many moored sailboats go by along with colorful foliage, this New York Times Food Matters blog caught my eye.

A 39-foot plywood sail barge delivering 15 tons of local food from 30 Vermont farms to Yonkers and other port towns along the river with Brooklyn her final destination. Severine von Tscharner Fleming, the founder of a farming advocacy group called the Greenhorns, says, “Nine million people live within walking distance of the boat’s markets,” she said. “Frankly, it shouldn’t be a luxury to eat regional food."

If you were at your local farmer's market here in the Chesapeake region and saw a sign that says, "from regional farms delivered by regionally built sailboat," would you be more likely to buy these groceries? I would!

Read the complete blog here.

Photo by Jim Peppler/