SpinSheet Summits Kilimanjaro!

Tom Lawler and his wife just became our favorite people in the entire universe. From his email:kilimanjaro

"Thought you might get a kick out of this. My wife and I climbed to the summit of Kilimanjaro in February and brought along a copy of SpinSheet to read at the top. The guides would only let us stay for about 15 minutes so we couldn’t read it all. We still had another 8 hours of hiking down the mountain in front of us. This after 9 hours of climbing to the summit which is 19,340 feet- the highest point in Africa. My wife, Karen is the commodore of the Rock Hall Sailing Club and we keep or sailboat at the Sailing Emporium in Rock Hall. Spring can’t come soon enough!"

We have the best readers in the entire world. How cool are these two?!?!