Tanker v. Sailboat

UPDATE: The BCYA has removed the videos and asked us to take the post down.

A container ship and a sailboat had a minor collision two weeks ago during the regular Tuesday night race series in Baltimore. The Baltimore City YA (BCYA) has posted video of the collision as taken from onboard the tanker. We are not posting these videos as an indictment against the skipper (we know him, and he does not deserve it). Instead we're posting them so that you can see what transpires from a different perspective, and we can all stay safe when we're on the water. Also, we are extremely happy that no one was hurt.

From the BCYA: As a follow up to the recent incident in which one of our boats made contact with a tanker during a race, we are providing some videos taken from the ship to give you an idea of their perspective and remind you about how important it is to take them seriously and leave enough room. Although we do not think that the incident was the result of recklessness, it certainly serves as an example of how quickly a situation can turn bad and the kind of consequences that each decision can have.

Before commenting, please remember that on the Chesapeake, we're all friends.