Century Club: George Hernandez

Monday, May 22, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

With 25 knot winds forecast for the following day, I decided against anchoring out somewhere overnight. Instead I decided to sail east to the CBBT and maybe beyond. Through the afternoon headwinds continued to increase and finally I decided to give up and head back home to Willoughby Harbor Marina. 


Sailing out I was passed by the George Washington CVN-73. With the carrier still over a mile away I was approached by the Norfolk Police boat reminding me of the 500 meter security zone. At this point I realized my handheld radio I keep in the cockpit had malfunctioned. Time for a new one...

Thursday, May 18, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

After a little work on the boat, a short sail....

Friday, May 12, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Having to back track quite a few miles in order to clear sand bars and forecasted light afternoon winds, I wanted an early start. It was probably approaching 20 knots as I raised the anchor and sailed away. For the next hour or more the wind increased a bit and I was making hull speed with only the main. Finally my course turned southeast and the wind eased. On a close reach through the afternoon, the wind slowly turned more west keeping me from having to sail too far east. I was across the channel and sailing past Fort Wool as a submarine was headed out to sea

Thursday, May 11, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Light winds at time early in the day as forecast, picked up quite nicely early afternoon and I was flying downwind approaching Poquoson River. Earlier in the day I sailed a little out of the way to get some shots of the New Point Comfort lighthouse.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

A relatively early start around 10 am for this 27 mile sail. Against an incoming tidal current and tacking back and forth in light winds it was slow going for the start. A little ways past Fort Monroe and able to turn north the rest of the day was easy cruising. Sailing into Mobjack and towards the East River with the wind almost dead behind things were rolling a bit. I found a nice spot just outside of Tabbs Creek for the night. Nice sunset, very colorful with smoke from Canadian fires adding to the color. With just a 300mm lens on a crop sensor I could see sunspots on the sun.

Sunday, May 7, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Mostly a work day. An adjustment to my new solar panel support structure giving a little more space between the backstay and the mount to avoid contact with mast movement. There was no wind early in the afternoon so I was taking my time. By the time I finished there was a nice breeze so I managed to get out for a bit. 

Friday, May 5, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Beautiful night and great sleep. I always sleep great on my boat!

Back home early to photograph surfers...

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

A nice breeze blowing, of course driectly into the narrow north channel from Willoughby towards Fort Monroe. A few tacks then I was out and cruising nicely SW towards the Elizabeth River. Back in at Swells Point and a straight line to the east end of our little bay. Anchored just SW of the 'bird nest' windward mark for dinner then photographing the race. Such a beautiful evening that even though low 50's were forecast I decided to stay anchored out for the night. Glad I did, as it was beautiful and actually very comfortable sleeping on my unheated boat. Looking up just after dark, I was treated to what I assume was the latest batch of Starlink satellites passing overhead! Still quite close together having only been launched the previous night.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Just a short sail after waking on the boat this morning. Forecast was for 10 knot winds. Actual winds 15+. Still, a nice couple hours on the water.

Watched a helicopter practice engine out landings and a R/C jet ski...

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Original plan, sail to east to photograph the Cape Henry lighthouses.

New plan, move original plan to some other day. Gusty breeze right on my nose, waves and cool air made for kind of uncomfortable sailing. I was less than half way and behind schedule anyway. I sailed back to Willoughby and dropped anchor to have dinner on our protected bay.

