Quantum Sail Design Group’s David Flynn takes a look at the Zen of sailing better and faster in his series, “The Racers Edge.”

There are lots of ways to lose a sailboat race or regatta, but some of the classic mistakes that will really cost you big can be avoided.
The art of gybing the asymmetrical spinnaker has gone through considerable refinement as more and more boats have adopted them. Here are a couple of tricks to add to your arsenal which...
While racing, getting everyone in sync can be tricky and demands a good dialogue between the sailing team and an awareness of how their job effects the others.
Figuring out which specialized sails you need on your boat for reaching angles, whether you're racing or cruising. ~By David Flynn of Quantum Sails
Get the most out of one of the potential key players in your sailboat racing experience--your sailmaker--by asking the right questions. ~By David Flynn of Quantum Sails
Quantum's David Flynn gives us tips on how to focus, use all of your senses, and work with the team to succeed driving a race boat.
Universal traits of great tacticians on racing sailboats. ~By David Flynn, Quantum Sails
I am a mainsail trimmer and my skipper and I are always arguing about de-powering. Which should I be using, the traveler or the mainsheet?
Up Your Game on the Pointy End
