Learn about some of the options to try sailing before you invest in a formal weekend sailing program.
“Skipper,” he said to me at the end of a call while I was sailing on the Chesapeake Bay, “you’re like a son now. I am going to call you Adopted Son Number 3."
Stephen Griffin has emerged as a preeminent marine artist who brings the stories of living and working on the water to life in his art. 
Six Reasons To Take a Sailing Charter Vacation in Italy
There’s something magical about a national park you can sail into and anchor in. Los Haitises National Park, in a remote part of northeastern Dominican Republic, is one such park...
Youth Sailing Virginia's Open House hosted on the Summer Sailstice was the perfect time to announce the expansion of its Family Learn to Sail program for new sailors.
Key questions for dinghy racers to ask themselves on the racecourse to focus on some of the elemental parts of racing.
For Chesapeake sailor Pete Boland, who got seriously into sailing as an adult, it's all about the racing. 
Taking the helm of a sailboat for the first time is a feeling like no other.
