Quantum Sail Design Group’s David Flynn takes a look at the Zen of sailing better and faster in his series, “The Racers Edge.”

Where the crew positions itself is a huge component of boat speed on every point of sail.
Five Keys to Success for Racing Skippers
Fortunately the last 25 years have witnessed the development of specialty light to moderate reaching sails that are just the ticket. Often referred to as the “Code Zero,” it is...
Quantum pro David Flynn addresses how to point better in medium and heavy air. 
Why can’t I point is a common refrain heard post race at bars and yacht clubs around the world, and a very tricky question. We asked David Flynn of Quantum Sails to help sort through...
David Flynn of Quantum Sail Design discusses tack-to-tack speed differences and how you can overcome them and adjust accordingly.
A couple of thoughts from David Flynn of Quantum Sails to help make heavy air running moments more exhilarating than painful.
David Flynn of Quantum Sail Design discusses light-air sailing and how you can improve your game on summery days on the Bay.
Cruising sailors' sail trim and technique tips... because why not go a little faster or maintain control better?
