The Chesapeake Bay starts here: Havre de Grace and other Northern Bay destinations.
Historic London Town along the South River is an interesting destination for sailors who enjoy learning about history along the Chesapeake Bay.
From Havre de Grace to Norfolk, the maritime museums along the Chesapeake Bay plan winter events and exhibits for sailors, boaters, and lovers of maritime history.
A longtime Rock Hall, MD, sailor, Captain Joe, gives a cheeky take on Swan Point Bar in the Chesapeake Bay.
The top 10 things sailors really want to do while in Annapolis for the U.S. Sailboat Show.
Solomons, Maryland, is not a hidden gem or a secret sailing destination; it’s more like an old friend that you know is there and can always go visit.
Cruising the Southern Chesapeake, you'll find it's quieter, breezier, and less crowded than the mid- and Upper Bay. ~by Tom Hale
We asked SpinSheet readers to share their favorite Chesapeake Bay anchorages, and the top answer was “don’t tell everybody.”
The 400-year-old port city of Norfolk, Virginia, offers everything from history to fine food and art, as well as much to see by water.