Think you can be on the water 100 days this year? We do too! So join the SpinSheet Century Club and get rewarded for all that time on the water! We'll have a party with great prizes for all those who make it to the finish line by December 31.
As 2017 progresses, we will continue to highlight SpinSheet Century Club 2016 members, sailors who logged 100 days on the water in the calendar year.
To see what makes them tick, we’re highlighting SpinSheet Century Club 2016 members, sailors who logged 100 days on the water within the calendar year. Here’s what three-time Centurion...
The Annapolis sailor is also owner of her own Alerion Express 28.
They say the couple that sails together prevails together... but don't forget about their dog!
Lorie Stout, Century Club member, has 100 days on the water in 2016. Here, in her own words, is how she made it happen.
Rob Hindman is the newest member of the SpinSheet Century Club, reaching 100 days on the water for the year 2016.
Joe Gillis spent 100 days on the water as part of the SpinSheet Century Club, sailing around the Chesapeake Bay and the Pacific Northwest, sailing on AC replicas and high-tech moths.
Slattery is a Century Club member for the third year in a row.