A Chesapeake sailor's view of the 2024 America's Cup in Barcelona, Spain. ~By Craig Ligibel
When sailors visit, we locals don’t hesitate to share our secrets. Here are several local’s tips with help from the SpinSheet staff:
250 years ago, a Chesapeake-built merchant ship was burned in Annapolis, Maryland... how could that happen?! ~By Tom Guay
Dragonfest, hosted by Annapolis Dragon Boat Club, will unfold Sunday, October 13 at noon in Eastport.
At Sailrite, the DIY mindset and focus on innovative resourcefulness are part of the company's culture, as I discovered while touring the company's facility.
Sail Beyond Cancer offers free, three-hour private sailing excursions for anyone with a cancer diagnosis.
Two sailors explain how taking up sailing as an adult changed their lives in remarkable ways.
There seem to be four phases of sailboat buying that correspond with phases of life. ~By Capt. Cheryl Duvall
Sailing vessels of all sizes set to make their debuts at the Annapolis Sailboat Show October 10-14 at Annapolis City Dock.