A veteran bluewater sailor tries a surprisingly simple seasickness cure, and all you need is one earplug!
The Sailfaster Podcast featured Randy Hecht, a San Francisco racing sailor, on the finer points of racing his J/105 Niuhi.
"The top priority of walking docks and being on boats in the winter is to never, ever, ever fall in the water." By Tracy Leonard
Universal Sailing Club members reflect on the season's highlights.
Sailboat projects installed, created, or repaired during cold Chesapeake months that made our spring commissioning far more enjoyable.
We caught up with Start Sailing Now sailors Karen Southern and Brian Disque. You will be amazed at how they’ve grown their sailing.
Annapolis boater David Sites logged 731 consecutive days on the water, making him the first Super Centurion of the SpinSheet Century club.
Here are ideas for eight great winter sailing charter vacation destinations to take the chill off
Sailing experts give advice for preventing emergencies and making life onboard your sailboat safer.


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