If you’re interesting in charting a sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay or beyond, click through the buttons on this page for sailing resources, such as destination and how-to articles, tips for sailors on provisioning and planning, and charter company ideas.
Cyclades offer beauty, variety, affordability, and lovely locals
You don’t have experience, or confidence, or a boat to practice on; you know enough to know you don’t know enough... so how do you start chartering?
Here are tips on what to look for, expect, and consider when finding and paying for a sailing charter boat loaded with features.
Mention chartering in Tonga to anyone, and you’ll most likely send people scurrying to a map. Where is it? Is it nice?
The Bitter End Yacht Club is excited to announce that after more than 20 months of demolition and cleanup from Hurricane Irma rebuilding is now underway.
It takes some extra effort to do a sailing charter in the Exumas, Bahamas, but these beguiling islands are worth it.
For newcomers, a definition of chartering or charter sailing, whether to do it with or without crew, and a few favorite charter destinations.
Mooring anxiety? Planning, gathering your thoughts, and asking questions will help you overcome your mooring, docking, and anchoring stress while chartering a sailboat.
The obstacles, challenges, and joys parents face by taking family charter sailing vacations with your baby and/or toddler.